- B.A., Geological Sciences, 1983; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Licensed Site Remediation Professional, State of New Jersey, License No. 575217
- Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board Member
- Professional Geologist, State of Tennessee, License No. TN 3796
- New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Certification – Licensed Subsurface Evaluator
- National Groundwater Association
- NJ Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association
- National Brownfield Association
- National Association of Industrial Office Properties (NAIOP)
- Central Jersey Builders Association
- PlanSmart New Jersey – Member of the Board of Directors
- NJ Conference of Mayors Business Council- Environmental Committee
- Borough of Carteret Redevelopment Team Member and Brownfield Development Area (BDA) Steering Committee Member
- City of Paterson Environmental Restoration Committee (PERC)/BDA Steering Committee
- Salem City BDA Steering Committee
Ms. Dodge is the founder and President of Excel Environmental Resources, Inc. (Excel) and has more than 40 years of experience as an environmental geologist and consultant. She is a recognized expert in contaminated property investigation, remedial action design, remediation implementation, and integration of remediation into redevelopment for industrial, military, commercial, residential, and municipal properties. Ms. Dodge has strong technical and regulatory experience and skills and has been actively involved in the Brownfield remediation and redevelopment industry since 1983. In 2009, she was named one of the Best 50 Women in Business in New Jersey by NJ Business News (NJBiz).
Ms. Dodge is a recognized expert in the investigation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination and has successfully resolved environmental issues at some of the most challenging properties in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. She has designed, implemented, and managed small and large scale remediation and redevelopment projects throughout the Tri-State area for municipalities, counties, redevelopment authorities, industrial/commercial/residential property owners, developers and redevelopers, builders, attorneys, architects, and land planners.
She provides expert consultation to clients for resolution of environmental issues associated with transactional due diligence, cost-effective measures for streamlining and/or re-directing the environmental compliance process on stalled projects, integration of remedial action into redevelopment plans for commercial/retail, residential, industrial, and recreational, and open space end uses, and expert litigation, arbitration, and mediation support, including preparation of expert reports, depositional and expert testimony.
Ms. Dodge works closely with clients so that they better understand the intricacies of the contaminated property remediation and redevelopment process, including identification of Brownfield properties, fully integrating remediation into redevelopment plans, maximizing value for the property owner, developer, and/or builder on a Brownfield redevelopment project, risk and liability reduction through the use of environmental insurance products, acquisition of grants and low/no-interest loans under the NJDEP Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund (HDSRF), obtaining cleanup cost reimbursement via Brownfield Redevelopment Agreements and Economic Recovery Growth Grants (ERGGs), preparation of BDA applications, and cost recovery from insurance carriers and other third-parties.
1994 to Present
Excel Environmental Resources, Inc., North Brunswick, New Jersey
Ms. Dodge manages the overall technical operations of Excel and provides expert technical and strategic consulting on a wide range of compliance, remediation, and property transaction and redevelopment issues. Ms. Dodge specializes in development of innovative, economically feasible technical approaches and designs for successful and cost-efficient implementation of environmental compliance and remediation projects. Her responsibilities also include management of senior technical and project team staff. Ms. Dodge is actively involved in agency interactions and negotiations with state and federal agency representatives on behalf of clients and provides senior technical support during project implementation.
Specific experience highlights include:
- Expert litigation support experience includes preparation of expert reports for multiple matters in New Jersey and New York regarding complex environmental issues associated with discharges of petroleum products (No. 2, 4, and 6 fuel oils, gasoline, and hydraulic oil), chlorinated solvents, and other contaminants, including formulation of expert opinions regarding attribution of source between multiple discharges/dischargers, allocation of investigation and remediation costs, estimation of the discharge timeframe, evaluation of cost-reasonableness for costs incurred by various parties, etc. Expert reports have ranged from straight-forward fuel oil discharges from underground storage tank systems to highly complex contamination issues with multiple discharges over extended periods of time.
- Expert testimony during depositions and court-ordered binding arbitration for a complex cost recovery matter on a Brownfield site in Harrison, New Jersey, including evaluation of testimony given by other experts in the case, assistance with preparation of questions for deposition of the opposing experts, participation during the deposition and testimony of the opposing experts, and participation in strategic discussions amongst the clients litigation and environmental attorneys.
- Technical, regulatory, and strategic consultation to the Borough of Ringwood regarding ongoing Settlement Agreement negotiations with respect to investigation, Risk Assessment, Feasibility Study, and remedial action activities at the Ringwood Mines Superfund site. Working as a key member of the Borough’s Team of professionals which include attorneys representing the Borough as well as multiple insurance carriers, Ms. Dodge has guided the Borough’s efforts to re-define their role in the ongoing compliance activities as the investigation nears completion and remedial action alternatives are being evaluated for eventual incorporation by USEPA into Record of Decisions (ROD) for the various areas of concern at the site.
Ms. Dodge’s project involvement has included:
- Review of existing environmental documents prepared by the consultant for the principle Responsible Party at the site to determine if the technical and regulatory direction of the ongoing activities is the most effective and efficient path forward or if re-direction of these activities is warranted to streamline the effort, time, and costs.
- Development of in-depth technical, regulatory, and strategic recommendations in support of Settlement Agreement negotiations with respect to responsibilities for ongoing groundwater investigation/Risk Assessment/Feasibility Study and remedial action, including hands-on negotiations with the principle Responsible Party, their attorneys and environmental consultants as well as representatives of the USEPA and the Community Action Group (CAG) established for the site.
- Development of work scopes and documents for investigation activities conducted by Excel on behalf of the Borough to address an area of concern identified by USEPA as requiring additional investigation at the site, evaluation and interpretation of the findings and incorporation of these data into a supplemental Remedial Investigation reports.
- Consultation regarding the technical and regulatory efficacy of the various remedial action alternatives for groundwater and waste deposition areas, including in-depth evaluation of innovative and state-of-the-art technologies for in-situ remediation of groundwater and alternative, out-of-the box design concepts for capping various waste deposition areas while complying with both state and federal regulations.
Technical, regulatory, and strategic consultation to the City of Paterson during evaluation of their highest priority Brownfield properties located throughout the City. Working with the NJDEP Office of Brownfield Reuse and the City’s Economic Development Authority (EDA), Ms. Dodge developed a site-specific strategy to complete the environmental investigation and obtain HDSRF grant funding for each site as necessary to position the property for the transition to redevelopment.
- Excel obtained competitive demolition quotes and estimated the remaining costs of investigation and, when possible, remediation, so that the City could determine the economic feasibility of preparing each site for redevelopment.
- Ms. Dodge prepared a user-friendly summary of the technical and strategic approach to facilitate redevelopment of each site, including grant program eligibility and sample development Pro-Forma’s that were used by the City to evaluate the feasibility of cleanup in comparison to the value of the property based on various end uses (i.e. retail, multi-family residential, restaurant, etc.).
Development of the technical and regulatory approach for demolition and remediation of the Former Paperboard Specialties property located on Route 20 in Paterson, including working with the City to obtain grants for building demolition and soil and groundwater remediation that were cobbled together from various State agency programs.
- Ms. Dodge worked directly with the Mayor and the City’s Financial Director to position the City to act as the Master Redeveloper for the property so that the building demolition and remediation proceeded using grant funds while the City negotiated with interested developers.
- Excel coordinated with the various State agencies on behalf of the City and prepared the Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) and the technical scope and cost estimates in support of several grant applications that resulted in the City obtaining grants to conduct site-wide demolition and remediation.
- Excel managed and supervised the asbestos abatement and building demolition and prepared the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan as necessary to initiate soil remediation activities.
- Excel prepared detailed Bid Specifications and a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain competitive bids to conduct the demolition and soil and groundwater remediation.
- The asbestos abatement and building demolition was initiated in May 2006 and will be completed in early July 2006.
- The soil and groundwater remediation is scheduled to begin in July 2006 and is expected to be completed in early Fall 2006.
Ms. Dodge led a team of Excel professionals in preparation of comprehensive BDA applications, including one for a Salem County municipality that included approximately 250 acres of waterfront industrial property and multiple, complex Brownfield properties interspersed with adversely impacted non-Brownfield properties and one for a Middlesex County municipality that included approximately 50 acres of waterfront industrial property.
- Excel worked closely with both municipalities to select the BDA area, develop the technical and strategic approach to implementing the BDA, assist the City with selection of the BDA Steering Committee, and prepare the full BDA application for submission to NJDEP in March 2006.
- Although the final decision will not be announced until late Summer/early Fall 2006, the NJDEP BDA selection committee has informally indicated that one or both of these BDA applications will likely result in a formal BDA designation thus expanding the investigation and cleanup grant eligibility for the municipality(s) under the HDSRF regulations.
Development of the technical work scope for the remediation of the contaminated parcels of the 600-acre Military Ocean Terminal (MOTBY) on behalf of the Bayonne Local Redevelopment Authority (BLRA) to enable the transfer of the land to the BLRA by the U.S. Army under the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC).
- MOTBY was the first base transferred by the Army under BRAC prior to implementation of the remediation and the early transfer was unprecedented in that it enabled the remediation to be completed by the BLRA in approximately half the time estimated by the Army utilizing cleanup funds set aside by the Army.
- Ms. Dodge developed the technical approach for the $11 million remediation that transitioned the project from the Remedial Investigation (RI) to remediation. She successfully presented and negotiated the scope and associated cost of remediation with the U.S. Army on behalf of the BLRA and obtained both Army and NJDEP approval of the RAWP.
- Ms. Dodge was instrumental in preparing the application for a site-wide Environmental Cost Cap and Pollution Legal Liability policy that was obtained by the BLRA and the Army, including successfully negotiating with the insurance underwriters in support of the remediation scope and cost thus assisting BLRA in obtaining favorable policy terms and premiums. Although the Cost Cap policy had no deductible or self-insured retention, the remediation was completed on time and on budget without ever triggering the insurance policy.
- Excel was awarded the role of Construction Manager and Environmental Engineering Consultant to manage the remediation on behalf of the BLRA, including bid specification preparation and contractor supervision for more than 15 phases of bidding over the course of four years.
- The remediation work scope included excavation and disposal of soil “hot spots”, reuse of a portion of the excavated soil as sub-grade fill, design and construction of multiple soil and asphalt caps, completion of a site-wide groundwater investigation and finalization of a Classification Exception Area (CEA) for final resolution of residual groundwater contamination;
- The remediation also included investigation and subsequent closure of a 28-acre former landfill that was operated by the Army, including design of the landfill cap and preparation of a Landfill Closure/Post-Closure Care/Financial Plan;
- The Entire Site No Further Action (NFA)/Covenant-not-Sue (CNS) was received in June 2006 thus enabling the BLRA to successfully transition the property into implementation of their site-wide Redevelopment Plan. Ms. Dodge also provided expert environmental consultation to the BLRA Redevelopment Project Team during finalization of the Master Redevelopment Plan and during the transition into redevelopment.
- In support of the transition from remediation into redevelopment for residential, commercial, and recreational end uses, Excel prepared a user-friendly Environmental Procedures Document that succinctly outlines environmental conditions at the site and cross-references areas that have been remediated with areas that will be redeveloped.
- The Document clearly outlines the procedures to be used by redevelopers for future disruption during development of Engineering Controls and Deed Notices that are being established at the site as part of the current remediation.
- The Environmental Procedures Document has proven invaluable to the BLRA and the developers initiating redevelopment at the site and has successfully facilitated and streamlined the transition from remediation to redevelopment.
Development of the technical and regulatory approach for redevelopment of a 22-acre low-income residential property on behalf of the Camden Housing Authority that is located on contaminated Historic Fill. Ms. Dodge developed a technical approach that streamlined NJDEP requirements for site-wide characterization, incorporated the redevelopment plans as engineered “caps” over the contaminated Historic Fill to enable residential use of the property, and included onsite training and supervision of construction contractors during building demolition, utility installation, and new building construction.
- All excavated contaminated fill was reused onsite under the new buildings, parking lots, streets, sidewalks, and landscaping with no offsite soil disposal required thus saving the clients hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- Ms. Dodge conducted all negotiations with the NJDEP and municipal representatives for final approval of the remediation and redevelopment plans.
Development of the technical and regulatory approach for integration of redevelopment plans for an assisted living facility into the remediation of a former chemical plant site in northern New Jersey. Ms. Dodge utilized information from previous environmental investigations at the site to develop a focused investigation to fill critical data gaps as necessary to satisfy NJDEP requirements for site characterization prior to development of a remedial action work scope that included use of the building foundation, asphalt-paved parking lots, concrete sidewalks, and landscaped areas as engineered “caps” for contaminated soil thus enabling a future residential use of the property.
Management of a multi-million dollar soil and groundwater remediation resulting from a surface and subsurface release of hydraulic fluid in a tidally influenced area. Activities included preparation of bid documents, management of competitive bidding process, contractor negotiation, preparation of the remediation stop cap insurance application and negotiation with insurance underwriters, and supervision of the Excel project team and subcontractors during implementation of the work.
- The work scope included excavation of more than 8,000 tons of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soil that was managed in accordance with Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulations, installation and maintenance of an emergency product recovery system, and installation and maintenance of a permanent 100-gallon per minute groundwater recovery, treatment, and reinjection system, final negotiations with NJDEP for resolution of impact to surface water issues and case closure.
Management of a million dollar Interim Remedial Action conducted on behalf of the City of Bayonne and funded by the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority’s (NJRA’s) Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative, including preparation of bid specifications and management of the competitive bidding process for multiple contractors. The work scope included decontamination and demolition of multi-million gallon aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), excavation of more than 11,000 tons of oil-impacted soil, demolition of equipment and associated concrete pads, excavation and disposal of more than 8,500 tons of oil-impacted soil, and onsite recovery of free-product and treatment and reinjection of groundwater recovered during excavation.
- The project was successfully completed on schedule and under budget with no significant change orders issued by any of the four primary contractors. A second $1,000,000 financial assistance package was granted by the NJRA to enable completion of the soil excavation and installation of a full-scale groundwater recovery and treatment system.
- Full-scale site-wide remediation is anticipated to be completed in the Spring 2002 and the City is proceeding with property redevelopment plans to enable beneficial reuse of the site.
Technical consulting for a site-wide investigation of an abandoned rubber manufacturing facility in order to enable redevelopment of the property for retail use. The project included negotiation with municipal representatives for relief of back taxes, design and implementation of a focused investigation of soil and groundwater, supervision of the environmental aspects of building demolition, incorporation of the cleanup into future development plans, obtaining expedited agency review and approval of plans, and negotiating a Redevelopment Agreement with the NJDEP and the EDA for reimbursement of cleanup costs under the Brownfield Act.
Management of the design, installation, operation, and performance monitoring of several groundwater recovery and treatment systems installed in response to various subsurface releases of No. 2 and No. 6 fuel oil from underground storage tanks, including development of the overall technical approach, negotiations with the NJDEP, performance data evaluation, cost and schedule control, and negotiations for final project closure and issuance of the NFA/CNS.
Technical consulting on behalf of a developer who owns property in a former military installation in central New Jersey in which a site-wide Remedial Investigation of soil and groundwater contamination resulting from historical military activities is in progress. Key issues included petroleum contamination and dredge material issues, including arsenic, lead, and beryllium contamination in soil and shallow groundwater, as well as mitigation of wetlands.
- Other site issues included management and investigation of soil impacts associated with former munitions bunkers, munitions deposition areas, and unexploded ordinances. Ms. Dodge reviewed the technical reports and data and represented the developer’s interests at technical meetings with the NJDEP, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the military, and the environmental consultants for the military.
Development of site-specific Impact to Groundwater Soil Cleanup Criteria for mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic for a pharmaceutical company client as necessary to support the client’s proposed Alternate Remediation Standards for a site-wide in-situ soil treatment remediation project. Since onsite groundwater had been impacted by these metals, Excel developed an investigation that included speciation analyses, Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) testing, and a groundwater geochemical evaluation to verify the relationship between soil concentrations and the redox conditions of the groundwater that were influencing the solubility of the various metals.
- Based on the data generated by Excel and the in-depth evaluation and interpretation conducted as part of the investigation, the NJDEP accepted the client’s Alternate Remediation Standards as protective of groundwater quality.
Management of the Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action of a significant fuel oil release from a large-capacity residential heating oil tank, including technical consulting in support of insurance claims for coverage of third-party damages resulting from the release. Negotiated with the insurer and the insurer’s environmental consultant on behalf of the insured to obtain full compensation for the cost of the investigation and remedial activities.
Management of a Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action of a gasoline release which included design, installation, and operation of a soil vapor extraction and groundwater recovery and onsite treatment system. The project included performance of a Remedial Alternatives Analysis for selection of the remedial approach and design and implementation of a Natural Remediation program for offsite groundwater contamination in lieu of active remediation for the offsite plume. Handled all off-site notification and community relations with no adverse community reaction.
Management of a Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action which included installation and operation of a free-phase fuel oil and groundwater recovery and treatment system in response to a subsurface and surface water release of No. 4 and No. 6 fuel oil from a UST. Included coordination of the Hudson River spill cleanup and negotiations with the U.S. Coast Guard and NJDEP on behalf of the client. Successfully negotiated a Deed Notice for oil-impacted soils located under an adjacent building.
1992 to 1994
Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Inc. (ECM), Somerville, New Jersey
Manager, Environmental Geology and Remediation Division
As Technical Manager, Ms. Dodge was responsible for management of the Environmental Division, including design and coordination of environmental compliance projects, technical development of the geology and engineering staff, and overall business unit management. Her technical work responsibilities included technical design of soil and groundwater investigations, underground tank closures, evaluation of feasible remedial alternatives, and implementation of soil and groundwater remediation projects.
1989 to 1992
IT Corporation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Cincinnati, Ohio
Senior Project Manager, Environmental Engineering Special Projects Group
As a Senior Project Manager in the Special Projects Group, Ms. Dodge was responsible for the technical development and overall management of large, multi-disciplinary environmental remediation projects.
Key experience includes:
Project Manager for a multi-million dollar full-scale soil flushing field demonstration under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Program for a chemical plant located in Tacoma, Washington, including development of the technical approach, management of the multi-disciplinary IT Technical Team and associated subcontractors, management of the engineering design for the recovery well network, a spray irrigation system, and a soil-bentonite slurry wall for containment of groundwater within the Operable Unit requiring treatment, and onsite management of the installation of the soil flushing system over a 30-day field schedule.
- The target soil contaminants were pentachlorophenol, lead, arsenic, and a variety of other organic and inorganic compounds in soils at the site. Investigation of other areas of the site involved remote drilling due to extreme hazardous conditions, including the potential for explosion due to exposure of contaminants to atmospheric conditions.
- The field demonstration aspect of the project was completed on schedule and on budget.
Project Manager for an 8-million dollar Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) removal action at a military base located in central Ohio to prevent the offsite migration of volatile organic compound (VOC)-contaminated groundwater, including management of the engineering design and construction of a 2,400 gpm-capacity groundwater extraction and shallow tray aeration system in a remote location of the Base, management of the detailed engineering design and receipt of approval from the military and oversight environmental consultant followed by management of a 25-person technical team.
- The work scope included implementation of the construction phase of remediation, including clearing and grubbing a heavily wooded area for installation of more than 3,000 linear feet of discharge pipe, construction of an outfall in the adjacent river, construction of an earthen pad to elevate the treatment system above the flood plain, fabrication of the treatment system, installation of multiple high-yield extraction wells, design, installation, and testing of a remote telemetry system.
- Ms. Dodge was responsible for negotiations with the military, the Ohio EPA, and the U.S. EPA regarding the scope of work, adherence to NQA1 quality assurance/quality control requirements, and overall management of the schedule and the budget.
- The project was completed on schedule and within the authorized budget. IT was subsequently awarded a larger remediation contract based on the success of the Immediate Removal Action.
Project Director for multiple projects which involved design and implementation of site-wide, multi-disciplinary soil and groundwater investigations and remediation projects for chemical plants located in Michigan, Illinois, Florida, and New Jersey to characterize a wide variety of organic and inorganic contaminants for one of IT’s largest clients.
- Work scopes were varied and included aquifer testing, soil gas surveys, geophysical surveys, an in-depth comparative evaluation of over 25 different remedial technologies, followed by field demonstrations of recommended insitu treatment technologies, including soil vapor extraction and soil flushing systems.
Project Manager of a multi-office IT project team to complete the remedial design for remediation of a 38-story high-rise office building located in Center City Philadelphia which was contaminated by PCBs and dioxins as a result of a major fire. Ms. Dodge compiled a technical team of IT engineers, industrial hygienists, and remediation experts from IT’s offices in Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Knoxville, and Edison, New Jersey to enable the remedial design to be completed on an expedited schedule as required by the client.
- The work scope included conducting take-offs of all the building materials and surfaces requiring remediation within three separate zones of the building that encompassed more than 20 floors, overall supervision of the design development, including resolution of technical and regulatory issues and negotiations with the client and the client’s insurance carrier, followed by preparation of the Remedial Action Workplan, detailed Bid Specifications, and an engineering cost estimate for implementation of the remediation.
- The remedial design was completed on budget and in less than 3 months from initiation of the project thus meeting the needs of the project.
Management of a corporate-wide 3 million dollar Compliance Program to provide national support to the environmental needs of a major industrial client, including coordination of technical staff in multiple IT offices across the county.
1985 to 1989
IT Corporation, Edison, New Jersey and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Project Manager, Geosciences Division
Responsibilities included the design and implementation of a variety of multi-disciplinary projects dealing with the investigation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination. Coordinated several projects utilizing technical personnel from various offices to maximize technical quality and cost-efficiency.
Experience highlights are:
- Development and implementation of over 30 investigations for Environmental Cleanup Responsibility Act (ECRA) compliance involving both soil and groundwater investigation for a wide variety of organic and inorganic contaminants. Evaluation of results of investigation and development of a NJDEP approved soil and groundwater remediation plans pursuant to the ECRA regulations.
- Management of a soil and groundwater remedial action program at a National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund site in Kirkwood, Delaware which included performance of treatability studies, a detailed CERCLA feasibility study, and design of a groundwater extraction and treatment and a soils flushing system for remediation of soils and groundwater containing polychlorinated biphenyls, volatile organics, lead, cadmium, and chromium.
- Designed and implemented a site-wide soil and groundwater investigation of a former chemical manufacturing facility that handled elemental phosphorus followed by management of IT’s Remediation Services division during design and implementation of a facility decommissioning and demolition plan that involved development of procedures for safely handling sub-grade pipelines, sumps, and pits that contained residual, solid phosphorus that can flash, ignite, and potentially explode upon exposure to air.
- Managed the ECRA investigation and remedial design of a former chemical manufacturing facility in Elizabeth, New Jersey that involved highly elevated concentrations of mercury and other metals in soils.
- Designed and managed a site-wide groundwater investigation on a chemical manufacturing site adjacent to the Ohio River to assess impact of organic and inorganic contamination on the adjacent surface water. Project scope included a detailed evaluation of feasible remedial alternatives followed by a surface water model to evaluate the impact of groundwater discharge and a quantitative risk evaluation for use in cleanup level negotiations with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP).
- Coordination of long-term groundwater monitoring programs in accordance with the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) Permit program and evaluation of contaminant trends using multivariate statistical methods.
1983 to 1985
S&D Engineering Services, Metuchen, New Jersey
Field Geologist to Project Geologist, Geotechnical Services Division
Principal responsibilities included design and implementation of soil and groundwater investigations pursuant to the New Jersey ECRA regulations. Project responsibilities included client and NJDEP liaison, data base development, implementation of site investigations, sampling, remediation activities and report writing. Also involved in the design and presentation of training courses, seminars and lectures on hazardous waste management, ECRA compliance, and the New Jersey Asbestos regulations.
Experience included:
- Coordinated the decommissioning of a large metals fabrication plant and implementation of a groundwater monitoring program to assess the impact of a 20,000-gallon leaking fuel oil tank.
- Development and implementation of a sampling plan for investigation of residual trinitrotoluene (TNT), dinitrotoluene (DNT), and lead azide within abandoned bunkers located adjacent to a former munitions manufacturing facility in Pompton Plains, New Jersey in preparation for the expansion of Route 287. Work included wipe sampling of the bunker interiors and collection of soil samples for laboratory analysis and visual inspection of the property for evidence of blasting caps and/or unexploded ordinances.
- Characterization of abandoned drums and other containerized materials during the dismantling of the Picillo Landfill, a former Superfund site located in Rhode Island, using EPA Level A and B protective equipment. Responsibilities included opening and screening of drummed wastes and performance of waste characterization using HAZCAT kits.
- Conducted a wide range of emergency response activities as part of a response team under the former X-213 Contract with the NJDEP, including securing and characterizing abandoned drums associated with “midnight dumping”, preparation of lab packs, over-packing of dilapidated drums for shipment of hazardous materials, clearing vegetation in preparation for placement of protective tarps associated with dioxin-impacted soil adjacent to roadways in the Iron Bound section of Newark, spill response associated with multiple fuel oil and gasoline discharges, indoor air monitoring, etc.
- Supervision of soil sampling and installation of shallow and deep bedrock monitoring wells in Woburn, Massachusetts as part of a regional investigation of groundwater quality to identify the source(s) of groundwater contamination, including chlorinated volatile organics and arsenic.
- Developed the Site Evaluation Submissions for several industrial facilities that led to negative declarations from the NJDEP pursuant to the ECRA regulations.
- Developed a comprehensive course for training laborers and building inspectors in asbestos remediation pursuant to New Jersey Department of Labor regulations.
- Engineering Project Management Training, IT Corporation, October 1991.
- RCRA Compliance Strategies, Executive Enterprises, Inc., January 1990.
- 40-Hour Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Health and Safety Training for Hazardous Waste Operations, IT Corporation, May 1989 (Repeated from 1983 and updated yearly with an 8-hour refresher).
- Advanced Project Management Training, IT Corporation, August 1988.
- Management Techniques in Ground Water Science, NWWA, April 1987.
- Water Well Hydraulics, University of Wisconsin, April 1986.
- Project Management and Professional Development Training, IT Corporation, April 1986.
Dodge, L.J., Mertz, E., Harwood, R., May 2010, “In-Situ Aerobic Co-Metabolism Followed by Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethene to Enable Brownfield Redevelopment”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated & Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California.
Dodge, L.J., June 2009, “Environmental Provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”, Presented at the Environmental Law Division of the NJ Bar Association Annual Summer Conference, Avalon, New Jersey.
Dodge, L.J., April 2008, “Update on the Status of Emerging NJ Environmental Regulations”, Presented at the New Jersey Builders Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Dodge, L.J., May 2006, “Finding and Enhancing Brownfield Redevelopment Opportunities”, Publication in the NJPA Real Estate Journal, covering the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Dodge, L.J., May 2006, “Finding and Enhancing Brownfield Redevelopment Opportunities”, Publication in the NJPA Real Estate Journal, covering the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Dodge, L.J., March 2005, “Maximizing Value in Brownfield Redevelopment”, Publication in the NJPA Real Estate Journal, covering the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Dodge, L.J., October 2002, “Overview of The Private Well Testing Act and Other Municipal Environmental Issues”, Presented at the Bergen County Health Officers Quarterly Meeting, Saddle Brook, NJ.
Dodge, L.J., April 2002, “Case History of a Brownfield Success Story: The Kearny Police Substation Remediation and Redevelopment Project”, Presented at the New Jersey League of Municipalities Brownfield Seminar, PNC Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ.
Dodge, L.J., June 2000, “The Role of the Environmental Consultant in Municipal Brownfield Redevelopment”, Presented at the Downtown New Jersey Conference, Morristown, NJ.
Dodge, L.J., May 1999, “Environmental Issues and Strategies for Brownfield Redevelopment”, Presented at the Legal and Environmental Issues Seminar, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Dodge, L.J., January 17, 1997, “Environmental Issues in the Scrap Metal Processing and Recycling Industry”, Presented at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries/Scarinci & Hollenbeck Seminar Series No.1, Secaucus, NJ.
Dodge, L.J., November 1996, “UST Upgrade Requirements: Don’t Wait Until 1998!”, Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the New Jersey Emergency Management Association, Atlantic City, NJ.
Dodge, L. J., May 1995, “A Case Study of an Environmental Assessment Combining Historical Practices and Subsurface Utility Engineering”, Presented at the Legal and Environmental Issues Seminar No. 495B, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Dodge, L. J. and J. H. Anspach, April 1995, “A Case Study of an Environmental Assessment Combining Historical Practices and Subsurface Utility Engineering”, Proceedings of the American Power Conference, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois.
Dodge, L.J., November 1995, “Environmental Issues in Emergency Management”, Presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the New Jersey Emergency Management Association, Atlantic City, NJ.
Dodge, L.J., May 1994, “Overview of Key Environmental Regulations Governing Real Estate Transactions in New Jersey, the Industrial Site Recovery Act”, Presented at the Princeton Corridor Rotary Meeting, Princeton, New Jersey.
Dodge, L.J. and K.J. Hollenbeck, April 1994, “Seminar on the Industrial Site Recovery Act in New Jersey”, Presented at the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce, Secaucus, New Jersey.
Dodge, L. J. and R. D. Arnold, June 1984, “Immediate Removal at the Harvey-Knott Drum Superfund Site, Kirkwood, Delaware”, Proceedings of the HAZMAT Southwest Conference, Houston, Texas.