The former APA Transport Corporation (APA) property located in North Bergen, Hudson County, New Jersey consisted of a former transportation facility owned by various commercial and industrial entities and the former North Bergen Municipal Pool Parcel (Pool Parcel) owned and operated by the Township of North Bergen. The Developer retained EXCEL to remediate the property in preparation for site-wide redevelopment as a 500,000 square foot retail shopping center. The Developer acquired the former APA property, as well as the adjacent Pool Parcel, and assembled both properties for the development of a large retail and commercial shopping center that has created several hundred jobs during construction and retail/commercial operations.
EXCEL obtained a Brownfield Reimbursement Agreement with the New Jersey Department of Treasury and the Commerce Department on behalf of the Developer for reimbursement of up to 75% of eligible remediation costs associated with the environmental cleanup of the APA Site and Pool Parcel.
EXCEL conducted a site-wide soil and groundwater investigation at numerous Areas of Concern (AOCs) identified during a Preliminary Assessment (PA) of the Site and found free-phase oil-impacted soil and sludge material at the former Pool Parcel, areas of soil contamination associated with historic operations, and Historic Fill. EXCEL designed and implemented the soil and groundwater remediation that included closure of more than 20 underground storage tanks (USTs), excavation and offsite disposal of oil-impacted soil and sludge material that was the source of free-phase product historically documented on the groundwater, hot-spot excavation and offsite disposal of soil from several additional AOCs, and post-remediation groundwater monitoring as part of a monitored natural attenuation remedy under a Classification Exception Area (CEA).
Following completion of soil excavation and offsite disposal activities, the Developer retained EXCEL to manage the environmental components of the redevelopment, including construction management related to the capping of contaminated Historic Fill using various components of the 500,000 square foot retail shopping center. The shopping center is currently open for business and is a thriving example of a Brownfield success story.
Project Overview
The Developer retained EXCEL to conduct Site-wide remediation in preparation of redevelopment.
- EXCEL conducted a Preliminary Assessment (PA)/Site Investigation (SI)/ Remedial Investigation (RI) to characterize site-wide AOCs on an expedited basis.
- EXCEL assisted the Developer with the preparation and negotiation of a Brownfield Reimbursement Agreement that was entered into with the New Jersey Department of Treasury and the Commerce Department for reimbursement of up to 75% of eligible remediation costs.
- EXCEL prepared a Remedial Action Workplan (RAWP) for submission to the NJDEP that included a detailed description of the proposed building demolition, UST removal, soil excavation and disposal, proposed Deed Notice and Engineering Controls and proposed CEA for groundwater.
- The cleanup of the Pool Parcel involved challenging excavation and dewatering activities managed by EXCEL to remove approximately 23,900 tons of petroleum-impacted soil for offsite disposal, excavation and reuse of approximately 18,488 cubic yards of non-impacted soil, and the recovery and treatment of more than 2 million gallons of groundwater and free-phase oil during the soil excavation activities.
The recovery of free-phase oil and groundwater from the open excavations resulted in the complete eradication of free-phase product.
- Following building demolition and disposal of building debris and concrete, EXCEL removed 22 UST’s and associated oil-impacted soil from within the footprint of the proposed building and former parking lot areas.
- Post-remediation verification of groundwater quality was completed and confirmed the effectiveness of the remedial action.
- EXCEL provided oversight for the design and construction of Engineering Controls utilizing components of the final development (i.e. concrete building slabs, asphalt-paved parking lots, concrete sidewalks, clean soil and landscaped area caps, etc.) to prevent direct contact with the underlying Historic Fill.
- EXCEL prepared separate Remedial Action Reports (RAR) for soil and groundwater, including a Deed Notice and CEA, respectively to document the building demolition, UST removal activities, excavation and disposal of impacted soil, and post-excavation soil and groundwater conditions.
Key Components of Excel’s Work Scope
- Completion of site-wide PA/SI/RI on an expedited basis to prepare the Site for remedial action and ultimately redevelopment.
- Preparation of a MOA and Remedial Action Work Plan for approval by NJDEP on an accelerated timeline.
- Removal of 22 USTs located across the Site.
- Excavation/offsite disposal of grossly impacted soil coupled with open excavation recovery of groundwater and free-phase oil.
- Assisting the Developer in obtaining a Brownfield Redevelopment Agreement for reimbursement of up to 75% of the costs associated with Site remediation, managing Historic Fill during construction, management and onsite reuse of excavated Historic Fill, and final reporting to obtain a No Further Action determination.
Primary Environmental Services Provided by Excel
Bid specification preparation and management of bidding process
- Demolition and Remediation cost estimates
- MOA Preparation and Negotiation
- Delineation of Soil and Groundwater Quality
- Remedial Action Alternative Evaluation, Cost Estimation/Cost-Benefit Analyses
- Remedial Action Workplan Preparation
- Interaction and Negotiation with the NJDEP Case Team
- Remediation Construction Management
- Technical Project Management
- Remedial Action Report Preparation
- Preparation of Deed Notice and CEA