The Former Lyons Dye Works Facility is located at 107 East 27th Street in Paterson, NJ. The facility operated from 1912 to 1934 as a fabric dyeing and finishing business. From 1934 to the mid-1980s, the property was subdivided and leased to a variety of industrial and commercial operators including other fabric dyeing and finishing companies, adhesive, silkscreen and carpet manufacturing. In 2002, all buildings were demolished.
From July 2002 through January 2003, approximately 39,000 tons of soil was disposed offsite and on April 1, 2003, NJDEP issued a soils-only NFA. Following completion of soil excavation activities, a Groundwater RI was conducted in 2003.
Excel was retained to complete a full evaluation of the file, including upgradient cases on NJDEP’s KCSL that involved a release of chlorinated solvents to the subsurface, particularly to bedrock. Additionally, Excel researched the Fairlawn Wellfield Superfund Site, which included contaminant modeling and offered an accepted hydrogeologic framework model in order to understand and predict contaminant flow in fractured bedrock. The USGS Hydrogeologic Framework Ground-Water Quality, and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow at the Fair Lawn Well Field Superfund Site, Bergen County, New Jersey (2004-5280) defined the regional deep bedrock hydrogeologic setting and regime.
Based on published literature, Excel applied the Fair Lawn Well Field conceptual model for the area to the HDI site as a tool to evaluate the source for the chlorinated solvents (CVOCs) in groundwater. Based on the findings of this research, support for more than one upgradient source was identified as contributing CVOCs to the site.
Excel has provided a Remedial Investigation scope of work to address the remaining onsite delineation issues in groundwater and has a projected pilot and full scale remediation approach that involves insitu treatment via hydrofrac and injection technology of “on-contact” destruction and biotic dechlorination of CVOCs.