EXCEL completed a site-wide investigation of soil and groundwater to identify Areas of Concern requiring remedial action. EXCEL then designed and implemented a site-wide remediation that included excavation and offsite disposal of asphalt, subsurface concrete pads, foundations/footings, steel bases for the ASTs, and miscellaneous debris; excavation and offsite disposal of more than 22,000 tons of grossly impacted soil; open excavation recovery and disposal of approximately 528,000 gallons of free-phase petroleum product and impacted groundwater; post-excavation verification soil sampling; and post-remediation groundwater quality verification and monitoring.
Following completion of soil excavation and offsite disposal activities, the Developer retained EXCEL to manage the environmental components of the redevelopment, including construction management related to the capping of contaminated Historic Fill using various components of the retail building, post-remediation soil gas investigation, and design and oversight for the installation of a vapor barrier as part of the site development. The shopping center is currently open for business and is a thriving example of a Brownfield success story.
Project Overview
The Developer retained EXCEL to conduct Site-wide remediation in preparation of redevelopment.
- EXCEL conducted a soil and groundwater investigation to complete site-wide characterization and delineation on an expedited basis.
- EXCEL prepared a Remedial Action Workplan (RAWP) for submission to the NYSDEC that included a detailed description of the proposed demolition, soil excavation and disposal, proposed Deed Notice and Engineering Controls and proposed monitored natural attenuation for groundwater.
- The remedial action involved challenging excavation and dewatering activities managed by EXCEL to remove the bottoms of 24 100,000-gallon ASTs and residual product and soil within the tank bottoms, more than 22,000 tons of petroleum-impacted soil for offsite disposal, and the recovery and treatment of more than 500,000 gallons of groundwater and free-phase oil during the soil excavation activities.
- The recovery of free-phase oil and groundwater from the open excavations resulted in the complete eradication of free-phase product.
- Post-remediation verification of groundwater quality was completed and confirmed the effectiveness of the remedial action.
- EXCEL provided oversight for the design and construction of Engineering Controls utilizing components of the final development (i.e. concrete building slabs, asphalt-paved parking lots, concrete sidewalks, clean soil and landscaped area caps, etc.) to prevent direct contact with the underlying Historic Fill.
- Excel coordinated the design and provided oversight for the installation of a vapor barrier and soil vapor extraction/sub-slab depressurization system (SVE/SSDS) during construction of the retail building.
- EXCEL prepared the necessary Remedial Action Reports (RAR) to document the soil excavation and disposal activities, post-excavation soil and groundwater conditions, and the construction of Engineering Controls.
Key Components of Excel’s Work Scope
- Completion of soil and groundwater quality delineation on an expedited basis to prepare the Site for remedial action and ultimately redevelopment.
- Preparation of Remedial Action Work Plan for approval by NYSDEC on an accelerated timeline.
- Excavation and removal of the remnants of 24 100,000-gallon ASTs and associated concrete and piping infrastructure that had been buried.
- Excavation/offsite disposal of grossly impacted soil coupled with open excavation recovery of groundwater and free-phase oil.
- Implementation of a comprehensive air monitoring program during soil excavation and backfilling activities to ensure that there were no impacts to the surrounding community.
- Transitioning the project from remedial action to development by providing construction management services during site redevelopment, including tracking and onsite reuse of Historic Fill and oversight during installation of the vapor barrier and SVE/SSDS.
Primary Environmental Services Provided by Excel
Bid specification preparation and management of bidding process
- Demolition and Remediation cost estimates
- Delineation of Soil and Groundwater Quality
- Remedial Action Alternative Evaluation, Cost Estimation/Cost-Benefit Analyses
- Remedial Action Workplan Preparation
- Interaction and Negotiation with the NYSDEC Case Team
- Comprehensive Air Monitoring Program during Remedial Action
- Remedial Action Implementation
- Remediation Construction Management
- Vapor Barrier and SVE/SSDS Installation Oversight
- Technical Project Management
- Remedial Action Report Preparation
- Preparation of Deed Notice