This former gasoline station property was targeted by the Town of Kearny as a potential location for construction of a Community Police Center. As part of the Town’s due diligence prior to acquisition of the property, a focused Phase I environmental assessment was conducted followed by soil and groundwater sampling that indicated that both soil and groundwater were impacted by gasoline. Acquisition of the property stalled and the Town re-evaluated its options. Since there were Tax Liens on the property, the Town exercised control over the property and proceeded to obtain a grant under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund (HDSRF) Program for performance of a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and Site Investigation (SI).
The PA/SI confirmed an impact to soil and groundwater. Excel Environmental Resources, Inc. (Excel) was retained to complete the investigation of soil and groundwater and design an effective remediation work scope that could be integrated into the Town’s redevelopment plans for the property within the timeframes necessary for the Town to achieve their target schedule for construction. Excel completed the investigation and remediation that enabled the Town to build the Community Police Center and the property is now beneficially re-used while final compliance activities are completed. A true Brownfields success story!
Project Overview
- The Town of Kearny accessed the HDSRF Program to conduct the PA/SI, the results of which confirmed that both soil and groundwater had been impacted by historic discharges of gasoline.
- Excel obtained additional HDSRF grant funds to complete the delineation of impacted soil and groundwater as part of a Remedial Investigation (RI).
- Based on the results of the SI and RI, Excel estimated soil and groundwater remediation costs, and the Town of Kearny reactivated its intentions to acquire the property for construction of the Community Police Center.
- The Town of Kearny subsequently entered into a purchase agreement with the property owner and acquired the site in 1999.
- In late 1999 and early 2000, Excel developed and implemented an accelerated plan to complete the RI and evaluate remedial action alternatives so that the soil remediation could proceed as precursor to site redevelopment.
- The soil remediation work scope included “hot spot” excavation and offsite disposal of gasoline-impacted soil that was the source of the ongoing impact to groundwater.
- The Town of Kearny obtained financial assistance from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for demolition of the on-site building and preparation of the site for redevelopment.
- With the soil remediation complete and NJDEP approval in hand, the Town initiated construction of the Community Police Center and an adjacent parking lot in the Summer of 2000 and the facility was completed in the Spring of 2001.
- With NJDEP approval, natural attenuation of residual concentrations of gasoline-derived contaminants in groundwater is being monitored and concentrations have been decreasing over time since completion of the soil remediation.
- Groundwater quality monitoring is nearing completion and final NJDEP approval of a Classification Exception Area (CEA) for case closure is anticipated shortly.
Key Components of Excel’s Work Scope
- Prepared and efficiently implemented the SI and RI Work Scopes.
- Prepared supplemental grant applications for funding of the investigation through the HDSRF and facilitated obtaining financial assistance from the DCA for building demolition and site preparation activities in support of redevelopment.
- Conducted a focused remedial action alternatives analysis and developed an effective and cost-efficient remedial action approach that integrated the remediation scope and schedule into the Town’s redevelopment plans for the property.
- Provided oversight and effective construction management for implementation of the soil remediation to ensure that the work was conducted within the budget and on schedule so that the Town’s goal for initiating site development activities was achieved.
- Provided overall technical consultation and project management, including coordination with all contractors and vendors, negotiation on technical and/or regulatory issues with NJDEP, and management of scope, schedule, and budget.
Primary Environmental Services Provided by Excel
Site Investigation
- Remedial Investigation
- Remedial Action Alternatives Analysis
- Remediation Work Scope Development
- Interaction and Negotiation with the NJDEP
- Acquisition of HDSRF grants and assistance with DCA financial aid
- Remediation Construction Management
- Project Management
- Preparation of Project Documents, including Workplans, Reports, and Permit Applications