For each and every environmental project with a field work component, Excel prepares a site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) as necessary for compliance with applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1910.120 regulations with respect to onsite worker and on and offsite community safety.
We have template HASPs for routine construction safety issues as well as more complex tasks, such as soil excavation and use of innovative remedial action technologies that involve hazardous chemicals. Each of our template HASPs are routinely updated to conform to changes in OSHA regulations and industry practices.
Excel utilizes daily, routine health and safety practices developed over years of environmental investigation and remediation experience that have greatly contributed to our excellent safety record during the firm’s history. We are skilled and experienced in the design and implementation of site-specific and community air monitoring plans for real-time and confirmation laboratory analysis of air samples for organic and inorganic contaminants, particulates, and radionuclides.
Our HASPs address all aspects of remedial action, including heavy equipment operation and safety and emergency plans and procedures.
Excel has also developed and is experienced in the management of QA/QC aspects of environmental compliance projects and we incorporate QA/QC measures into each and every project. When required for the project, we have prepared and implemented Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP) that establish the project-specific QA objectives and outlines the specific QA/QC methods and procedures to be followed for sample collection, field analyses, laboratory analyses, data reduction and validation, and calculations.
On each and every project, Excel utilizes a QA/QC method for checking the accuracy of tabulated data, calculations, and technical documents referred to as the “Checkprint Process” which has been in use since the firm’s inception and has contributed to our ability to provide high quality products and services on a consistent basis.